Category Videogames

Minecraft ModernFix Mod

modernfix minecraft mod

Minecraft’s charm lies in its ability to be transformed, and the ModernFix mod is a game-changer for players seeking a sleek, contemporary twist. It’s the perfect blend of modern aesthetics and functional upgrades that breathe new life into the game’s…

Robot Chicken used a hacked Nintendo Powerglove

powerglove1 1

The Power Glove was a dismal attempt by Nintendo to bring 1989 gaming into the future. It failed. Miserably. It makes every list of ‘Most worthless video game accessory ever created’. Looked cool. Worked like crap. If it weren’t for the excellent…

Grand Theft Auto 5 video editor


That is a screenshot from Grand Theft Auto V. The game is as beautiful as it is notorious for its over-the-top violence and un-PC sensibilities. Which is why it is a huge hit and one of the best selling games…

Slip Cup makes Beer-Pong MUCH less disgusting


This is the Slip Cup. Obviously invented by some brilliant beer drinkers that got sick of swilling beer polluted with whatever a wet ping-pong ball collects as it plays Katamari Damacy with every germ it rolls over. Which is exactly why I…

Real Life FPS: Level 2 (Chat Roulette Version)


That is a screen-shot from a first-person-shooter-chat-roulette hybrid. The scenario is brought to life by some INCREDIBLY creative people behind the YouTube channel of RealmPictures. To get you up to speeed: First Person Shooter: A genre of video game typically…