Tag Epitaph

Review: Turbonegro

Turbonegro “Scandinavian Leather” (Epitaph) This band needs no more positive media feedback, but what the hell; I have to give it to them.  Turbonegro has already been the subject of a tribute album featuring covers of their songs performed by…

Review: Matchbook Romance

Matchbook Romance “West For Wishing” (Epitaph) Let me ask you a question. When you hear a band is on Epitaph what type of band comes to mind? Personally, I think the band will probably use heavy distortion, fast paced punk…

Review: Punk-o-Rama 8

Various Artists “Punk-o-Rama 8” (Epitaph) Nobody can bitch at the value that this Cd offers. 2 Cd’s and the disc is usually priced under $10, not too fucking shabby. For many kids, this cheap Cd has gotten many into punk…

Review: Randy

Randy “Welfare Problems” (Burning Heart / Epitaph) If it weren’t so true, I wouldn’t even mention it, but Randy falls smack dab into the whole wave of zipped up retro-garage rock.  The Hives, White Stripes, The Strokes, yeah, you’ve heard…

Review: Motion City Soundtrack

Motion City Soundtrack “I Am The Movie” (Epitaph) There are those bands that write a catchy song that everyone is ashamed to admit they like. And then there is Motion City Soundtrack: full blown nerd rock extravaganza. But what separates…

Review: The Joykiller

The Joykiller “Ready Sexed Go” (Epitaph) Why couldn’t Jack Grisham, lead singer of The Joykiller and T.S.O.L., have a side-project?  It seems like every other punk rock star has at least one act on the back burner, but when T.S.O.L.…

Review: The Weakerthans

The Weakerthans “Reconstruction Site” (Epitaph) The Weakerthans aren’t your average Epitaph band in that they don’t necessarily beat you about the head and neck with snare drums and blinding cymbals.  No, The Weakerthans share more with the jazzy, country stylings…

Review: The Black Keys

The Black Keys “thickfreakness” (Epitaph / Fat Possum Records) Every review of The Black Keys asserts that they are not The White Stripes. Like The White Stripes there are only two members, a drummer and ax-man. The keys contain two…

Review: Pennywise

Pennywise “From the Ashes” (Epitaph) When you put on a Pennywise album, it’s just like putting on an old coat–you know you can always count on it to meet your expectations.  However, although putting on an old reliable coat is…

Review: Matchbook Romance

Matchbook Romance “Stories and Alibis” (Epitaph) I was just talking to my friend Hailey.  She’s going to law school at BYU.  How brutal is that?  Mormons everywhere, encroaching on every little bit of her life until all she sees are…