Tag Epitaph

Review: The Weakerthans

The Weakerthans ““Reconstruction Site”” (Epitaph) First off, I must say that since the demise of Pavement and Propoghandi (the two power P’s of punk turned indie, rhine stone-obscure) The Weakerthans have kicked way more ass than Stephen Malkmus. I’’m still…

Review: Atmosphere “7evens Travels”

Atmosphere “7evens Travels” (Epitaph) A new label. A new sound. Atmosphere signed to Epitaph to reach out to their supposed core audience and made probably the biggest mistake they could have made. People admire groups when they can change their…

Review: Pulley

Pulley “Matters” (Epitaph) On their fifth release, Pulley are coming to terms with who they are and what their place is in this wacky music scene.  Lead singer and sportsman Scott Radinsky offers lyrics with substance as the band fastidiously…