Tag issue-29

Review: Badman’’s Bedtime Maladies

Various Artists “Badman’’s Bedtime Maladies” (Badman Recording Co.) I like to really get inside what I do and really understand its true meaning.  I once drank two 40s before a final because I was doing market research for an essay…

Review: Bongzilla

Bongzilla “Gateway” (Relapse Records) With a name like Bongzilla there is little chance of a misconception. Any idiot can easily see that this is stoner rock even before you pop this little piece of THC into your disc player. Now…

Review: Botch

Botch “Unifying Themes Redux” (Excursion Records) It’s tough to say, considering the awe-inspiring music this recently fallen band has made, but this is for completists only.  Combining all of the songs from, “The Unifying Themes of Sex, Death, and Religion”…

Review: Brand New Sin

Brand New Sin “Self-Titled” (Now or Never Records) It’s weird to get a Rock record.  It seems like nowadays if you’ve got a guitar in your band you’ve got about three options: punk, metal, or country.  I’ve got to tip…