Tag issue-29

Review: Covenant

Covenant ““Northern Light”” (Metropolis Records) I by no means am prepared to give a educated opinion of techno music.  With that said Covenant so called test the water of my knowledge with this release “Northern Light”.  I’ve listened and listened…

Review: Crank Yankers

Crank Yankers “The Best Uncensored Crank Calls:  Volume 2” (Comedy Central Records) Crank Yankers, the Comedy Central Television Show, has released this version on compact disc, and it is definitely almost as funny as the show – the only separating…

Review:  Alexander Cockburn

Alexander Cockburn “Beating the Devil:  The Incendiary Rants of Alexander Cockburn” (Alternative Tentacles Records) Alexander Cockburn discusses a number of relevant topics facing the general public throughout these “rants” which are a collection of speeches recorded at the old and…

Review: Allister

Allister “Last Stop Suburbia” (Drive Thru Records) Guitars played at high passionless velocities, boring relationship belly-aching, and stale production manifest themselves in Allister’s Last Stop Suburbia, a record where the titles change, but the songs stay the same. These are…

Review: American Idol: Greatest Moments

Various Artists “American Idol: Greatest Moments” (RCA Records) Greatest Moments from “American Idol”, huh?  Yep, that’s right-this CD is exactly four seconds long.  No, no, I’m just kidding.  “American Idol” contains fifteen tracks sung by the contestants from one of…

Review: Amon Amarth

Amon Amarth “Versus the World” (Metal Blade) There’s an overall melancholy feel to the recording which is strange for such double bass driven death metal, but I often find that death metal tends to alter my mood towards melancholy.  That’s…

Review: Ancient Greeks

Ancient Greeks ““The Song Is You”” (Flameshovel Records) Who would ever want a flaming shovel?  Coming at you as if in a fist of rage this off the wall Sea and Cake “Nassau” type record is as filled with jazz…

Review: Badman’’s Bedtime Maladies

Various Artists “Badman’’s Bedtime Maladies” (Badman Recording Co.) I like to really get inside what I do and really understand its true meaning.  I once drank two 40s before a final because I was doing market research for an essay…

Review: Bongzilla

Bongzilla “Gateway” (Relapse Records) With a name like Bongzilla there is little chance of a misconception. Any idiot can easily see that this is stoner rock even before you pop this little piece of THC into your disc player. Now…