Category Science

30 times ‘smart’ people were completely wrong


This is a group of ‘epicenter geniuses’. People so goddamn smart, other smart people gravitate towards their brilliance like planets around the sun, until the group gets so intelligent, they start inventing things that change the world. Like disease curing…

Spider Crab Pyramid


This is a Spider Crab Pyramid. It looks even more wicked in motion. Australian diver’s stumbled across this bizarre phenomenon. The crabs most likely travel in this formation for protection from predators. Probably not many animals in the sea that…

Windows Beneath the Waves


That is a picture entitled, “Smiling Assassin” from a series called, “A Parallel Universe: Windows Beneath the Waves” by Australia based, ocean life photographer Matty Smith. This collection has won him several highly acclaimed international awards and worldwide recognition of…

Off to Oz – car gets swept away by tornado


That is a still from a dash-cam that caught some horrifically amazing footage of a tornado just making a car… disappear. As you watch the video, keep an eye on the lower right hand corner of the screen. Immediately after…

Reinventing the wheel


These are Shark Wheels. Invented by avid skateboarder David Patrick, they might possibly revolutionize the concept of the wheel, which, as a mechanical design, has been pretty solid and unchanging for about 5000 years. This clever guy noticed that in nature, movement…

Using drones to herd sheep


In humanities inevitable slide towards a Skynet-like world where machines dominate us all… Drones now herd sheep. While this might upset some… Farmers find this new tech is a cost-effective and ‘totally bitchin’ way to handle their business. 22 year…

China builds solar power panda

This is a panda. Aside from being the cutest of the bears… it’s also a strong symbol of China. So Chinese solar merchants have appropriated the beloved bear in a charming way to help raise awareness about clean energy among…