Category Science

Jaguar attacks crocodile under water


This majestic beast is a jaguar. This menacing looking monster is a crocodile. You wouldn’t think jaguar would eat crocodile… but it’s a brutal world out there. Witness a master hunter in action. And while crocodile is not a jaguar’s primary…

Doctors Perform First Successful Penis Transplant

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Covering their faces in shame… these are the doctors responsible for the worlds first successful penis transplant. Don’t they look proud of themselves? They should… Considering the amount of risky lawnmower sex I engage in, this is reassuring news. The…

Lake of Petrification


This is a series of photographs called, “Petrified”, taken by conservationist Nick Brandt. There is a body of water in Tanzania (Africa) by the name of Lake Natron. I have officially dubbed it, ‘The Lake of Petrification’. (*sounds best if you…

What’s inside a bowling ball?


This is the father/son team responsible for the immensely popular YouTube channel, “What’s Inside?” What started as a second grade science project, has propelled their channel from 200 subscribers to well over 1,000,000 within the span of about a year. We…

Fish Tornado


That is a tornado of Jack fish. Less deadly than a tornado of sharks… but also more real. Apparently when Jack fish get all… jacked up… this phenomena is part of courting behavior. Because when a group of really horny…

Reading comics raises literacy skills


These are comics. They will make you smarter. Evidence and research are pointing to a couple of key factors in why comics have shown results in areas where traditional education tends to fall short. They engage readers and make them…