Category Science

PodRide bicyle/car hybrid


This is a happy guy in his PodRide. His reason for happiness, besides living in Sweden, is he is also Mikael Kjellman, the inventor of the PodRide. The PodRide is basically a recumbent bike with a canvas shell, but it…

True facts about the…


There is a video series on YouTube called, ‘True Facts about <insert animal>”. Presented in fake-documentary style, each short piece highlights a mix of true and not-so-true facts about the creature. The narrator charms with a proper presentation that belies…

A Mowin’, Shovelin’, Rakin’ Robot


This is Kobi. Kobi is an autonomous electric-powered robot that comes with attachments for grass cutting, leaf blowing and snow shoveling. The grass module cuts to a depth of less than an inch, mulches the clippings and returns them to the…

The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards


These are some of the previous winners of the yearly Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards. The competition is sponsored each year to raise awareness for animal conservation and works with the Born Free Foundation. (links to both after the pics) Here…

High Definition Vinyl could push record revival


‘Vinyl is making a comeback.’ You’ve heard it passed around by people who like to sound like they know something… or are trying to justify thousands of dollars of vinyl they’ve been hoarding and never listen to. Well… those people…

Pouring Molten Salt into an Aquarium


That is a screen still from YouTube user TheBackyardScientist shortly before his mom asked, “Why are all the fish swimming in the bathtub? Where the hell is the fishtank?” By ‘scientist’, he means, ‘melt and explode things’… the backyard part…

New Octopod likely discovered


See that little fella chilling on the rock? He is not supposed to be there. At least, to our knowledge, no Octopod should exist at the depth this photograph was taken. Yet, there he is. Because of his coloration… the…