Tag Tooth And Nail

Review: mewithoutYou

mewithoutYou ““[A–>B] LIFE”” (Tooth And Nail) For a Freshman effort, mewithoutYou receives and A.  They mix violent screaming hardcore with crunching guitars and the spoken word with beautiful melodies.  It is very hard to decipher one’s self from other bands…

Review: Squad Five-O

Squad Five-O “Self-Titled” (Tooth and Nail) At what point in the recent past did it become necessary to pay homage to 60’s garage rock? I mean, who doesn’t love the haircuts, the jams and the attitude? But do we need…

Review: Havalina

Havalina “Space, Love and Bullfighting” (Tooth and Nail) Havalina, the brainy artistes who happen to have chosen the musical format as the medium through which to express themselves have hoisted another head-scratcher onto their bespectacled listeners. This ethereally goofy disc…

Review: Dogwood

Dogwood “Seismic” (Tooth and Nail) Holy shit! NOFX got drunk one night, knocked up emo music, and had a kid named Dogwood!  Dogwood is a feisty little bugger with a grudge against the US, or so I gathered from the…

Review: Kutless

Kutless “Self-Titled” (Tooth and Nail) Another band using heavy guitars and metal production values and applying it to downtempo dreary soul-searching pop songs.  The first song on the album, if it’s indicative of what’s to follow, and, oh brother is…

Review: Spoken

Spoken “A Moment of Imperfect Clarity” (Tooth and Nail) Spoken is approaching its 10 year anniversary. They have been together since 1996 and grown up a lot in ten years. From rap metal to angry indie rock Spoken has kept…

Review: Brave Saint Saturn

Brave Saint Saturn “The Light Of things Hoped For…” (Tooth and Nail) There’s something irresistible about big hooky choruses. At one point you think they’ll never get old and the next your beaten over the head by 100 bands doing…