Tag Belvedere

Review: Belvedere

Belvedere ““Fast Forward Eats the Tape”” (Union 2112 Records) Perfectly producing rapid fire strums without surrendering miraculous harmony and melody, Belvedere molds Fast Forward Eats the Tape into a masterpiece.  Fast Forward is definitely for any fans of a more…

Review: Belvedere

Belvedere ““Angels Live in My Town”” (Jump Start Records) From the opening feedback of “2nd Column” to the final drumbeat of “Sik Salvation”, Belvedere delivers skate-punk at its finest.  Fast, hard-hitting guitars, snappy, melodic vocals and driving beats from this…

Review: Downway / Belvedere

Downway / Belvedere “Split: Hometown Advantage” (Sessions / Union Group) Ah, Canadians.  What would the world be without them?  Well, probably pretty much the same as it is now, save for these two exceptional punk bands.  The first five tracks…