Review: Belvedere

““Angels Live in My Town””
(Jump Start Records)

From the opening feedback of “2nd Column” to the final drumbeat of “Sik Salvation”, Belvedere delivers skate-punk at its finest.  Fast, hard-hitting guitars, snappy, melodic vocals and driving beats from this Cana-duh foursome allowed them to capture the coveted Vans Warped Tour Amateur Band Competition in 1998 and this thirteen track album proves the title was no fluke.  With a wry sense of humor and talent to boot, these young punks have avoided the dreaded sophomore slump by creating a solid mix of old and new school with “Angels Live in My Town”-one big sonic bruise just waiting to happen.  Transitioning beautifully from heavy, Good Riddance influenced punk (“The People’s Song”) to party rock (“Male Pattern Impotence”) to SoCal styled punk (“Airplane”), Belvedere made me ask myself, “Why are these guys playing San Diego punk better than most San Diego bands?”  And while I can’t answer that question, I can say that Angels now live in my CD player.