Category Culture

Rufus Hussey: Slingshot Assassin

His skill with a slingshot is legendary. He mastered his weapon of choice in his youth. Growing up on a poor farm family of 13, the slingshot was a way of getting something to eat. His artistry with a slingshot…

Interview: Dave Attell

<Originally appeared in Modern Fix issue #28 – 2004> Comedy Central viewers know the drunken pirate theme that brings in each episode of Insomniac with Dave Attell. The theme song often provided a backdrop to numerous late night sessions of…

Doctors Perform First Successful Penis Transplant

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Covering their faces in shame… these are the doctors responsible for the worlds first successful penis transplant. Don’t they look proud of themselves? They should… Considering the amount of risky lawnmower sex I engage in, this is reassuring news. The…

Lake of Petrification


This is a series of photographs called, “Petrified”, taken by conservationist Nick Brandt. There is a body of water in Tanzania (Africa) by the name of Lake Natron. I have officially dubbed it, ‘The Lake of Petrification’. (*sounds best if you…

Won Park = origami money master


This is Won Park. He is an origami master. Origami is the traditional Japanese art of paper folding. The goal of this art is to create a representation of an object using geometric folds and crease patterns preferably without the use…

11 jobs that no longer exist


The march of progress often leaves many casualties in the way of jobs made obsolete. This is something our society will have to face on an unprecedented level as the robots will surely do most our jobs better than humans.…

True ‘Rock’ music from the Jordan desert


This is architect Ammar Khammash. When he isn’t busy designing cool buildings in the desert like these… … he is out in the Jordan wastelands banging on flint rocks. The architect turned rock musician (get it?) found the seemingly random pieces…

The Foo Fighters made a horror movie!

AND IT LOOKS FUCKING AWESOME! These are the Foo Fighters. I am sure you’ve already been introduced. They consistently crank out some of the best music. Dave Grohl has become the unofficial ambassador for rock and roll, and I’m completely…