Category Culture

Carved Book Landscapes


This is artist Guy Laramee. And when I say artist, I mean… artist. For the better part of three decades, Guy Laramee has worked as a stage writer, director, composer, a fabricator of musical instruments, a singer, sculptor, painter and writer.…

Wee bird breaks travel records


This is the male blackpoll warbler. He just set the record for the longest non-stop, over water flight by a bird. (*when body mass is taken into account). That last bit sounds like a couple of bird nerds crunched some…

Quilled paper portraits by Yulia Brodskaya

This is Yulia Brodskaya. She is a beyond talented artist who specializes in ‘quilled’ paper art. Quilling is an art form that involves the use of strips of paper that are rolled, shaped, and glued together to create decorative designs.…

Floating island made of plastic bottles


This is Joyxee Island near Cancun, Mexico. It has a three-story house, hot tub and internet connection. Created by artist/architect/clever man Richart Sowa, the entire island floats on over 100,000 plastic bottles. He has even managed to get plants to take…

Julie Heffernan surrealistic nature fantasies


This is brilliant artist Julie Heffernan. She specializes in breath taking surrealist oil paintings, typically incorporating strong nature elements. If you look closely, some even have the most impossible subject anyone can include… themselves (see if you can spot the artist’s…

Slip Cup makes Beer-Pong MUCH less disgusting


This is the Slip Cup. Obviously invented by some brilliant beer drinkers that got sick of swilling beer polluted with whatever a wet ping-pong ball collects as it plays Katamari Damacy with every germ it rolls over. Which is exactly why I…

Band Profile: ’68

“Awwww honey… You just love me for my riffs.” This is the band ’68. They are a noise punk duo from Atlanta, Georgia. They have a ridiculous name. They tear rock a new ass. Singer/guitarist/madman Josh Scogin explodes with tension…