Tooth And Nail

Review: mewithoutYou

mewithoutYou "“[A-->B] LIFE”" (Tooth And Nail) For a Freshman effort, mewithoutYou receives and A.  They mix violent screaming hardcore with…

10 years ago

Review: Squad Five-O

Squad Five-O "Self-Titled" (Tooth and Nail) At what point in the recent past did it become necessary to pay homage…

10 years ago

Review: Havalina

Havalina "Space, Love and Bullfighting" (Tooth and Nail) Havalina, the brainy artistes who happen to have chosen the musical format…

10 years ago

Review: Dogwood

Dogwood "Seismic" (Tooth and Nail) Holy shit! NOFX got drunk one night, knocked up emo music, and had a kid…

10 years ago

Review: Kutless

Kutless "Self-Titled" (Tooth and Nail) Another band using heavy guitars and metal production values and applying it to downtempo dreary…

10 years ago

Review: Spoken

Spoken "A Moment of Imperfect Clarity" (Tooth and Nail) Spoken is approaching its 10 year anniversary. They have been together…

10 years ago

Review: Brave Saint Saturn

Brave Saint Saturn "The Light Of things Hoped For..." (Tooth and Nail) There's something irresistible about big hooky choruses. At…

10 years ago