Tag The Wizard

Robot Chicken used a hacked Nintendo Powerglove

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The Power Glove was a dismal attempt by Nintendo to bring 1989 gaming into the future. It failed. Miserably. It makes every list of ‘Most worthless video game accessory ever created’. Looked cool. Worked like crap. If it weren’t for the excellent…

Robot Chicken uses hacked Nintendo Powerglove

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The Power Glove was a dismal attempt by Nintendo to bring 1989 gaming into the future. It failed. Miserably. It makes every list of ‘Most worthless video game accessory ever created’. Looked cool. Worked like crap. If it weren’t for the excellent…

Robot Chicken uses hacked Nintendo Powerglove

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The Power Glove was a dismal attempt by Nintendo to bring 1989 gaming into the future. It failed. Miserably. It makes every list of ‘Most worthless video game accessory ever created’. Looked cool. Worked like crap. If it weren’t for the excellent…