Tag The Unicorns

Review: The Unicorns

The Unicorns “The Unicorns: 2014” (Suicide Squeeze Records) From the looks of their current roster, the folks at Suicide Squeeze seem to definitely know what is good music these days. Especially when so much of the stuff floating around out…

Interview: The Unicorns

THE UNICORNS interview by gordon downs I can trace it all back to one day in particular. One of our graphic designers was fucking around on the internet while looking for an image of some unicorns. For some unforeseen reason…

Review: The Unicorns

The Unicorns “Who Will Cut Our Hair When We’re Gone?” (Alien 8) The Unicorns have a cool vibe goin’.  From their cover artwork to the clever song titles, to the dancing style disco punk that they’re rockin’.  Music that makes…