Tag Superdrag

Review: Superdrag

Superdrag ““Last Call For Vitriol”” (Arena Rock Recording Co) After getting the feeling sucked out of them, Superdrag nearly fell off the map.  The band was chewed up and spit out by major label Electra, but against all odds they…

Review: Superdrag

Superdrag “Last Call for Vitriol” (Arena Rock Recording Company) Superdrag is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. They have been churning out riffs and hooks for years, but have yet to ascend to higher ground. “Last Call for Vitriol” is…

Interview: Superdrag

(this interview originally appeared in issue #33 of Modern Fix Magazine in 2003). Sisyphus was condemned by the Gods to roll a huge stone up a hill in Hades only to have it roll down again when he reached the…