Tag Robodog Records

Review: The Sacrifice Poles

The Sacrifice Poles “Self Titled” (Robodog Records) Heard of Cave In?  This is what they do when they have writers block.  They create indie-rock-esque intrumental jams.  (that means “no words” for you slow kids).  Spacey, expansive and guitar structured, it…

Review: Pig Destroyer /  Gnob

Pig Destroyer /  Gnob “Split Release” (Robodog Records) Pig Destroyer: Blast.  Scream. Blast.  Metal.  Fast.  Scream Scream Screeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam.  It’s a grind/blast/metal thing of lightening fast proportions.  It’s all shoved up your rectum like a first night in prison.  Fresh meat.…

Review: A Life Once Lost

A Life Once Lost “The Fourth Plague: Flies” (Robodog Records) The first sounds out of this CD will change you forever.  Leaping from the stereo at about 500 Mph are the five loudest and fastest tracks you will ever hear.…