Tag Nitro Records

Review: Jughead’s Revenge

Jughead’s Revenge ““Pearly Gates”” (Nitro Records) Joe D., Joey R. and Brian Priess are still at it after all these years.  The three original members of Los Angeles’ Jughead’s Revenge still blend the metal edge into the fast and drivey…

Review: Son of Sam  

Son of Sam ““Songs from the Earth”” (Nitro Records) Son of Sam is a punk supergroup composed of members whose credits include AFI, Tiger Army, D-Generation, Murphy’s Law, Danzig and Samhain.  This debut release even boasts a guest appearance by…

Review: T.S.O.L.

T.S.O.L. ““Disappear”” (Nitro Records) Authentic O.C. punk band, T.S.O.L. with original singer, Jack Grisham are back doing what they do best, deliver true punk rock- with much of the vibrance they had back in the early 80’s. Most of the…

Review: The Vandals


The Vandals “Look What I Almost Stepped In…” (Nitro Records) Dumb punks. (Not stupid just dumb). It takes a clever wit to construct the mentality that surrounds the Vandals approach at making a song. Which is typified by fast punk…