Tag issue-41

Interview: Preston School of Industry

(this interview originally appeared in issue #41 of Modern Fix Magazine in 2004). by Gordon Downs   Scott “Spiral Stairs” Kannenberg named his band the Preston School of Industry after a former correctional youth facility located in Northern California. At…

Interview: Meow Meow

by Gordon Downs Somewhere between the sonic drenched land of “Honah Lee” and a hashish-induced nap exist the band known as Meow Meow. The brainchild of producer/musician Kirk Hellie and multi-instrumentalists Chris O’Brien and Mike Orendy, Meow Meow are certainly…

Artist Profile: Mirah

Mirah – by Gordon Downs home Mirah Tom Yom Zeitlyn is probably one of the most underrated singer/songwriters currently recording and performing music today. While Top 40 darlings garner much more attention than they should be given, Mirah seems to…

Review: Ours

by Erin Broadley The variable nature of popular music keeps the definition of a good vocalist flexible. Criteria used to separate good singers from bad changes according to flux in trend – one minute lauding Cobain’s throaty croak as ideal,…

Interview: Les Savy Fav

(this interview originally appeared in issue #41 of Modern Fix in 2004). – interview by Gordon Downs “But what I do remember is that it felt like a frozen hot dog in his pants!” It was a fairly strange and…

Review: Martyr AD

by Bushman Keeping a band together is hard. Keeping a band together in the Midwest is even harder. Touring is a bitch and labels don’t sniff around for new talent very often. Many bands burn and fade within a couple…

Artist Profile: Electric Six

Every so often the music industry designates certain urban “hot spots” as rock revival epicenters, where A&R suits arrive in hordes, all vowing to take residency until they too have discovered a piece of the next big thing. Case in…

Review: Friends of Dean Martinez

by Gordon Downs Having returned from hiatus in a most tasteful way, Friends of Dean Martinez have come back to the harsh world of indie rock with their latest and extremely decadent and ambient recording, “On The Shore”. Originally founded…