Tag issue-36

Review: Punishment

Punishment “Broken But Not Dead” (Thorp) Yawn…like a Melatonin after a night of drinking, “Broken But Not Dead” will leave you dazed, groggy, and more than a little out of it.  With tons of tough guys lyrics about the oh-so-predicable…

Review: Razed in Black

Razed in Black “Damaged” (Cleopatra Records) Techno for the masses.  Without feeling watered down or pre-packaged for the club circuit, Razed in Black manages to meld some Goth/rock influences into the techno/trance foundation.  Moody vocals break apart any of the…

Modern Fix

FEATURED ALBUM REVIEWS back to album reviews home Ohgr ” SunnyPsyOp” (Spitfire Records)   Mastermind behind Ohgr, is Nivek Ogre, who is most notorious and well known for his work in Skinny Puppy. Aside from the jealousy of being able to spell…

Review: Ohgr

Ohgr “SunnyPsyOp” (Spitfire Records) Mastermind behind Ohgr, is Nivek Ogre, who is most notorious and well known for his work in Skinny Puppy.  Aside from the jealousy of being able to spell my name in new and exciting ways, appreciation…

Review: The New Pornographers

The New Pornographers “Electric Version” (Matador) With such a shocking name like The New Pornographers, you would think this Canadian outfit would be hell bent on sexual debauchery in their music and performance. It’s amazing though when it comes to music,…

Review: Nevermore

Nevermore “Enemies of Reality” (Century Media) The album comes on stronger than 2000’s “Dead Heart in a Dead World” and stays consistently one step ahead of that previous effort from in quality.  “Enemies of Reality” is a more aggressive and…

Review: Nightrage

Nightrage “Sweet Vengeance” (Century Media) Jesus H. Christ!  Mighty fine Swedish death thrash, and how could it not be with the likes of Per M. Jensen from The Haunted on drums, Lindberg who did throat for At The Gates and…

Review: Nuclear Assault

Nuclear Assault “Alive Again” (SPV) We used to run around our living room knocking each other over (the kids used to call that “moshing”) to “Brainwashed” whenever Headbangers Ball would play it (rare) screaming “WHY DON’T YOU THINK FOR YOURSELF!”…

Review: Minus The Bear

Minus The Bear “Highly Refined Pirates” (Suicide Squeeze) Yet another indie-rock band from the pacific-northwest: No way man! Minus The Bear are some serious guitar technicians, and it shows on the bands’ most recent offering “Highly Refined Pirates.” From the album’s…

Review: Manic Hispanic

Manic Hispanic “Mijo goes to Jr. College” (BYO Records) If you like your punk rock with guac, Mijo goes to Jr. College will be a combination plate from heaven for your saucy little ears. From the opening track, “Trippin’ on…