Tag DreamWorks Records

Review: Sparta

Sparta “Wiretap Scars” (DreamWorks Records) From the didactic dickheads at Rolling Stone to the jack-off jackasses at Stuff, a lot of critics are getting behind this album.  Unfortunately, this time I must agree with the staff at Rolling Stone (motto:…

Review: Boomkat

Boomkat “Boomkatalog.one” (DreamWorks Records) When I hear “boom” I think explosion, and when it comes to mainstream music there is a mixed orchestra of “booms” that make one run and hide for cover and  “booms’ that make one turn around…

Review: Darryl Worley

Darryl Worley “Have You Forgotten?” (Dreamworks Records) Kill!  Kill!  USA!  USA!  Fuck the French!  Fuck their heat wave!  Ha! Ha! Ha!  USA!  USA!  USA!  Kill Iraqis!  Make them pay!  USA!  Make them pay for what happened on that day!  USA!…