Tag 54′ 40′ or Fight!

Review: The Life and Times

The Life and Times “The Flat End of the Earth” (54′ 40′ or Fight!) Every band has members from different bands. It is near impossible to find a group of musicians who are in the band they originally started with.…

Review: Ring, Cicada

Ring, Cicada “Good Morning, Mr. Good.” (54 40 or Fight) Well, look who decided to just come in and drop a rockin’ indie record on us.  This is Ring, Cicada’s debut album after being a band for about seven years.…

Review: Pseudosix

Pseudosix “Days of Delay” (54 40 or Fight!) It is one hundred degrees below zero in the Northeast right now.  Well, not right now, but earlier this week.  When it gets that cold, nothing works, apparently.  Cars break, people die,…