Review: VA “Go Kart MP300 Raceway”

CDgokartcomp stacybrandt
Various Artists
“Go Kart MP300 Raceway”
(Go Kart)

What’s more impressive than 150 bands on a two-CD compilation? 300 songs from 150 bands on a two-CD compilation. Yes, the fine folks at Go Kart have assembled the comp to end all comps. This makes for a difficult review though. Naturally with so many songs, some will be good and some will be bad, but with a $9 SRP, you definitely get your money’s worth.

The discs features some great music from the Lunachicks, The A.K.A.s , Pitch Black, The Shemps, Groovie Ghoulies and Zombina and the Skeletons. There’s a pretty good diversity of rockin’ on here, though songs are obviously worse than others. Poppy, new-schooly punk seems to be the most prevalent genre, though there are some very decidedly anti-pop tracks. There is also a nice little interactive juke-box thingy too. To the best of my knowledge, this is the first MP3 only sampler ever, and it’s certainly a good start. I have seen the future, and though it’s pretty cool, I still prefer records.