Category Videogames

Game of Thrones version of RISK


That is the Game of Thrones version of RISK. Because every game must be re-skinned with whatever geekfest show the nerd republic is currently having a crush on. Monopoly is offender no. 1 in this category, but RISK seems a…

Watch a Lego Star Destroyer shatter


Pictured above is a Super Star Destroyer from the Star Wars universe. Obviously better than the regular Star Destroyer. This is a Lego Super Star Destroyer. Here is a Lego Super Star Destroyer and a virgin. And here is a Lego…

Mad Max gets new videogame


That is Mad Max. The character has been popularized by Mel Gibson and a trio of movies that set the blueprint for the post-apocalyptic wasteland flick. It is an iconic character that exists in a setting that seems pre-built for…

Grand Theft Auto 5 video editor


That is a screenshot from Grand Theft Auto V. The game is as beautiful as it is notorious for its over-the-top violence and un-PC sensibilities. Which is why it is a huge hit and one of the best selling games…

Grand Theft Auto 5 video editor


That is a screenshot from Grand Theft Auto V. The game is as beautiful as it is notorious for its over-the-top violence and un-PC sensibilities. Which is why it is a huge hit and one of the best selling games…

Robot Chicken uses hacked Nintendo Powerglove

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The Power Glove was a dismal attempt by Nintendo to bring 1989 gaming into the future. It failed. Miserably. It makes every list of ‘Most worthless video game accessory ever created’. Looked cool. Worked like crap. If it weren’t for the excellent…

Robot Chicken uses hacked Nintendo Powerglove

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The Power Glove was a dismal attempt by Nintendo to bring 1989 gaming into the future. It failed. Miserably. It makes every list of ‘Most worthless video game accessory ever created’. Looked cool. Worked like crap. If it weren’t for the excellent…