Category Reviews

Watch Doug Benson smoke pot with…


Remember cable access? Before the internet, if you wanted to get your video viewed by the ‘public’, but didn’t have the talent/budget/clue to get on real television, you could do the public access route. For a nominal fee, literally anyone…

Simpsons movie reference montage

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That is a still from “The Simpsons” episode, “22 Short Films About Springfield”, showing the “Pulp Fiction” scene the show was parodying. The cartoon holds the record for the longest running animated series (along with longest running American sitcom and…

You think YOU had a bad day…


Bad days. We all have’em. Here are some people having a worse day than you… 1. How did this even happen? 2. We need another shovel to dig out our shovel 3. That’s not how a vacuum works 4. Boyfriend…

Death Duo Deity Drop Diabolic Debut


This is the unholy duo that is Deity. Toronto Death Metal, as black as the worthless soul that spat you out into this unclean world. Technically complex, with demonic speed tempos, and the growls and howls of countless disemboweled souls screaming…

Think you could survive this?


This is Tom Dosland. Would you look this calm after surviving a wipe-out that would destroy most mortals? This man versus wave contest took place at Pehi, Hawaii, a surfing spot affectionately known as, “Jaws”. The man is brave… the…