Category Band Profiles

Review: Spoken

by peter soyer Bands are generally hit-or-miss across all genres. Throwing the Christian label in usually swings bands into the miss side. It’s hard to win critics who don’t like JC and his 12 homies. Some Christian acts hide biblical…

Band Profile: Black Dice

black:Being of the color black, producing orreflecting comparatively little light and having no predominant hue. dice:Plural of die. black dice:Formed in 1997, Black Dice isn’t your everyday four piece, rather, a band whose boundaries don’t exist, a band that is…

Band Profile: Minmae

Interview Minmae

Named after a Robotech character, Minmae began in 1997, initially as a side project. The conception was a result of Sean Brooks (of Thee Psychic Hearts) using the studio time that was paid for, but that his band couldn’t use.…

Artist Profile: Sage Francis

CD Review Sage Francis

Sage Francis for president. That’s right, it’s time to think past the current election where the faceless fights the brainless. It’s time to re-instate a bit of passion to the highest office in this country where generic, empty promises rule.…