Review: The Spotlight Syndicate

The Spotlight Syndicate
“…Forget the Static Past”
(Substandard Records)

I can appreciate where these fellas are coming from.  Record players with mounted televisions, and other extra unneeded lights and gizmos unexplainably fixed to them.  Mad Max.  Blade Runner.  A bass player, a keyboardist, and a drummer as your sole members.  They’re Trekies!   A new breed though;  neo-art Trek. The songs on “…Forget the Static Past” are punky space tunes with whiney vocals and a heavy jerking dance vibe.

If going get down to this you virtually will have to have full body spazams.  Either that, or I just imagined that dancing a standard jig would fit, and look pretty entertaining.  The low end is completely absent on almost all three instruments which give the recording somewhat of a thin feel.  If you’re writing a dance song there has to be something with some kick.  I mean, good ole’ Capin’ Kirk kicked ass, you know?