Tag Substandard Records

Review: Subincision

Subincision “Jingo” (Substandard Records) The cover of Subincision’s latest album shows a dead soldier draped over a barbed wire fence with the phrase “He knew the meaning of sacrifice” written below it. I expected these guys to be angry, screaming…

Review: The Spotlight Syndicate

The Spotlight Syndicate “…Forget the Static Past” (Substandard Records) I can appreciate where these fellas are coming from.  Record players with mounted televisions, and other extra unneeded lights and gizmos unexplainably fixed to them.  Mad Max.  Blade Runner.  A bass player,…

Review: Truxton

Truxton “Self-Titled” (Substandard Records) The first thing you will notice about Truxton is that sometimes lead singer Johannes Armentrout sounds like a girl.  The next thing you will notice is that bassist Lucas White looks like the guy from “That…