Review: Flogging Molly

Flogging Molly
“Drunken Lullabies”
(Side One Dummy Records)

It’s about time Flogging Molly pumped out another drunken masterpiece. Since the release of “Swagger,” the band has been whoring itself across the US and back. They’ve created a spectacular following of drunk (and sober) admirers and they’ve earned incredible recognition as one of the best live acts around.  My fondest memory of FM was seeing them live in New Orleans–talk about drunken lullabies!  Speaking of which, this new album is fantastic! Again, bringing in the same (and more) aggressive energy as with “Swagger” and the live album, “Alive Behind the Green Door” but ending it with a good kick in the ass!  Dave King and co. collaborate their best efforts and develop an impressive fusion on this and every album–it’s no wonder why they have such a massive fan base.  “Drunken Lullabies” proves to be another success by this profound band and let it be declared here–FM is “a Guinness soaked musical body blow!”