Tag Spook City

Review: Blood In/Blood Out

Blood In/Blood Out “No One Conquers Who Doesn’t Fight” (Spook City) Hardcore, hardcore, hardcore, blah, blah, blah.  So you can shout, big deal.  Who can’t shout, except for people who have lost their voice, like this one guy at work,…

Review: Blood In / Blood Out

Blood In / Blood Out “No One Conquers Who Doesn’t Fight” (Spook City) Aside from having a complicated name, Blood In / Blood Out is a straight up hardcore band. Hardcore lyrics (“I know how it feels to be pushed…

Review: Dead and Buried

Dead and Buried “The Company I Keep” (Spook City) While Dead and Buried’s music is relatively tight for chunky, double bass hardcore, the vocals don’t seem to have much to offer. It’s the same exact tone and pace for every…