Tag Smog Veil

Review: Amps II Eleven

Amps II Eleven “Self-Titled” (Smog Veil) This hard rock band with a whiff of stoner rock to it arose from three other Cleveland ensembles: Stepsister, Southern Trespass and Shuteye.  This is loud and proud rock ‘n roll in the tradition…

Review: California Speedbag

California Speedbag“The Fire of Misery”(Smog Veil) If I was fat, had a beard, drank JB straight from the bottle, lived in Wyoming, drove a truck for a living, could recite the entire Merle Haggard library, knew the names of NASCAR…

Review: California Speedbag

California Speedbag “The Fire of Misery” (Smog Veil) If I was fat, had a beard, drank JB straight from the bottle, lived in Wyoming, drove a truck for a living, could recite the entire Merle Haggard library, knew the names…