Tag Small Stone

Review: Halfway To Gone

Halfway to Gone “Self-Titled” (Small Stone) First of all, who approves these guys’ cover art?  Are you kidding me?  That flying horse thing is something an Eighth Grader who is way too into Dungeons and Dragons would have scribbled on…

Review: Five Horse Johnson

Five Horse Johnson “The Last Men on Earth” (Small Stone) There was a revival of Southern-tinged hard rock boogie that crested in the late ’80s. Raging Slab rode that wave to major label success. Now, Raging Slab is a has-been…

Review: Erik Larson

Erik Larson “The Resounding” (Small Stone) Alabama Thunder Pussy drummer Erik Larson steps out on his own for his solo debut, 12 songs of regurgitated Sabbath riffs, 70s high school band vocals and trite lyrics. Unlike Pussy, Larson can’t find…