Tag skateboarding

Powell-Peralta presents: Bucky Lasek mini-doc

This is professional skateboarder Bucky Lasek. Not to be confused with professional stoner Blake Anderson. Lasek is an OG skateboarder, born in 1972, his story is the stuff of legend. After his bike was stolen at age 12, young Bucky…

Watch this hippie nail some original skate-tricks


Meet Richie Jackson. Skateboarder. Fashion trailblazer. Mostly skateboarder. His skateboarding style is as unorthodox as the attire he chooses. He is from Auckland, New Zealand… where it is apparently 1969. Thrasher Magazine recently put out a video highlighting Mr. Jackson’s…

Reinventing the wheel


These are Shark Wheels. Invented by avid skateboarder David Patrick, they might possibly revolutionize the concept of the wheel, which, as a mechanical design, has been pretty solid and unchanging for about 5000 years. This clever guy noticed that in nature, movement…