Tag jurassic 5

Interview: Jurassic 5

(this interview originally appeared in issue #6 of Modern Fix Magazine in 2001). – interview by brian greenaway The near universal praise for the four MCs and two DJs from Los Angeles has earned J5 myriads of accolades and a…

Review: Jurassic 5 “Power in Numbers”

Jurassic 5 “Power in Numbers” (Interscope) Another excellent release by Chali 2NA, Marc 7, Zaakir, Akil and the rest of the J5 crew. As usual, J5 doesnt hold out; 17 tracks on this album, guest appearances by artists like Nelly…

Review: Jurassic 5 “Quality Control”


Jurassic 5 “Quality Control” (Interscope Records) A couple of years ago I was together with this girl named Kim.  I knew our relationship was headed for disaster when I asked her, “What do you think of Jurassic 5?”  And she…