Tag Elektra

Review: Slimm Calhoun

Slimm Calhoun ““The Skinny”” (Aquemini / Elektra) Some rappers slap the scales from your eyes with the knowledge they drop, others deal in metaphors, similes and wordplay, twisting the language to tell a story or just for the hell of…

Interview: Superdrag

(this interview originally appeared in issue #33 of Modern Fix Magazine in 2003). Sisyphus was condemned by the Gods to roll a huge stone up a hill in Hades only to have it roll down again when he reached the…

Review: Pantera

Pantera “Far Beyond The Great Southern Cowboys’ Vulgar Hits” (Elektra / Rhino) To squeeze every last dime out of you fans, their label decided to release a “Best Of”.  While the cover art looks like a 4th grader learning Photoshop,…