Tag Columbia Records

Review: Patti Smith

Patti Smith “Trampin’” (Columbia Records) Still rockin’, still fiery, still political, Patti Smith the poetic patron saint of the post-punk wave bestows upon the huddled masses eleven new songs.  But, riddle me this: What hath in common Patti and Dayglo…

Review: Nellie McKay

Nellie McKay “Get Away from Me” (Columbia Records) Nellie McKay is a nineteen-year-old jazz-pop genius with talent much beyond her years.  Full of adult, colorful language and a swinging hot jazz vibe, her piano tunes are the hippest, wittiest jazz…

Review: Aerosmith

Aerosmith “O, YEAH! Ultimate Aerosmith Hits” (Columbia Records) What can I say? I’m a true blue Aerosmith fan and if they put out an album I’m gonna buy it. Well, I will if I don’t already own most of what’s…

Review: System of a Down

System of a Down “Steal This Album!” (American Recordings / Columbia Records) This particular release was planned for the future, in part to get previously recorded material going back as far as 1995 out to the public, along with songs…