Tag braid

Interview: Hey Mercedes

Hey Mercedes interview

It’s always interesting when a band has history. Especially when it was a reference point of a contemporary movement in music. Hey Mercedes has a history. Those who have followed the morphing of indie rock into emo, knew of an…

Interview: Braid

(this interview originally appeared in issue #40 of Modern Fix Magazine in 2004). – interview by pr!   Before everyone had a white belt and played semi-pop indie rock, there was Braid. Emotional lyrics with technical music. And before I…

DVD Review: Braid “Killing a Camera 2004”

Braid “Killing a Camera 2004″ (Bifocal Media) Illinois math/indie-rock legends, Braid, decided to break up in 1999. Before they went their separate ways they booked five final shows in Chicago, Milwaukee, and Champaign where Braid was from. These shows were…

Review: Braid – Killing A Camera DVD


Braid “Killing A Camera” (Bifocal Media) Illinois math/indie-rock legends, Braid, decided to break up in 1999. Before they went their separate ways they booked five final shows in Chicago, Milwaukee, and Champaign where Braid was from. These shows were documented…