Tag Blackout

Review: The Banner

The Banner “Your Murder Mixtape” (Blackout / Brightside) The Banner beat me to the punch.  I would have described this album as the perfect listening material for stalking, killing and skinning prey.  But by calling it “Your Murder Mixtape”, The…

Review: At A Loss “A Falling Away From”

At A Loss“A Falling Away From”(Blackout!) Mediocrity is the epitome of difficulty for a reviewer.  Think about it: when you just don’t care either way, how the hell do you formulate an opinion?  Blending slightly dynamic emo with pop/punk sensibility…

Review: Uppercut

Uppercut “Four Walls” (Blackout!) Uppercut broke up almost fifteen years ago, which means they’re older than that bottle of Crown Royal your dad has stashed above the microwave.  Uppercut were a staple of the NYHC scene back when acts like…

Review: The Procedure

The Procedure “Rise of New Reason” (Brightside / Blackout!) I met this guy the other day that was so stoked that he was into Thursday before everyone else was into Thursday.  I guess we all do the same thing.  I…