Review: Ensoph

“Opus Dementiae – Per Speculum Et In Aenigmate”
(Cruz Del Sur)

This is one of those albums that has a little something for everybody, but all at once. Meaning, if you’re not everybody all at once too, then you’re in trouble when you lay the needle to this baby’s grooves. As a method actor I have trained my body and mind to utilize past sense memories to transform myself into anyone I choose, including everybody all at once. Observe as I slip into characters… nyungh… huh… huh… Ha! I have arrived at the desired mental state. I am now everybody. I am you. I am a Chinese DVD bootlegger. And I am an ENSOPH fan! I am a lover of British black metal (ala Cradle of Filth) and Portuguese gothic metal (ala Moonspell) and German folk metal (ala Subway to Sally) and early Canadian industrial music (ala Skinny Puppy) and therefore I am a lover of Ensoph who are all those things and a few more things, including Italian. Lots of cool vocal styles are going on here. It’s almost as if Ensoph’s singer is, like myself, more than one man. He might be one man, but with the super human vocal abilities of two men. Astounding! There’s no way for me to legitimately review this album without first listening to it in its entirety a dozen or more times, and that’s not going to happen. Let it be safe to say the album is for those who want adventure, for those who do not want to know what lurks just over the next hill, for those who take any of this seriously at all. This is the kind of review a guy writes after a week of eating nothing but oatmeal. I need protein! My brain is dying! This is not a joke!