Modern Fix


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Donkey what? Donkey who? Donkey punch crew. Get ready to break fool money, cause this shits of the hook. Aint no thing, but a chicken wing. Chicken? Don’t get scared, it only wants to sock you upside that bitch ass head. Who is this fist starring at me from walls and electric boxes? Is it safe? Should I ignore it, pretend its not there? If you haven’t seen it, beware, it’s going to eat your brains, and make love to your children. So go get your hair did and hop all over this shit. (Sorry for the non-sense on explanation, but its really not important). What is important is that this “product” makes me feel better about myself because I feel like a part of something, I feel like I belong. I can go anywhere, and no matter how much I feel like everyone is looking at me because I’m a dork, I still feel cool. Why? Because I know deep in my heart I belong. So if you have the courage and strength to find your true self deep in your heart, hop on the web and make that self-realization. Art and propaganda, five fingers and one fist, love and moonshine.