Review: Velvet Acid Christ

Velvet Acid Christ
“Hex Angel: (Utopia – Dystopia)”

Velvet Acid Christ is perfect for fans of mid-era Skinny Puppy albums such as “Remission” and “Vivisect VI”.  If you long for pure old industrial mayhem with lots of layered sampling, a mid-tempo dance beat and a dark dissonant aura fueled by super distorted (think Nivek Ogre) vocals, horror show themesong keyboards and eerie noises, then you can go out and buy Velvet Acid Christ’s “Hex Angel: (Utopia – Dystopia)” and long no more.

Although I can’t particularly say that Velvet Acid Christ does anything too original with their industrial style, I can say that I’ve heard enough mentally challenged brainiacs attempt to ape Skinny Puppy’s old school sound to know that Velvet Acid Christ is at the top of the game, and even though what Skinny Puppy did they did fifteen years ago, Velvet Acid Christ gives them a true run for their money.  VAC may be SP’s only true competition to ever emerge on the industrial scene.  And, yes, I know there is no direct competition and that VAC most likely harbors deep respect and gratitude towards Skinny Puppy’s music, but that doesn’t mean I can’t hail this as the rebirth of “Vivisect VI”, which is Skinny Puppy’s best album.

It’s like the Dalai Lama getting reborn in new human incarnations; the dark spirit of Skinny Puppy circa 1988 has returned and you won’t go wrong worshiping at the altar of its new incarnation. The CD booklet also contains some great artwork to accompany your aural experience.