Review: Sick Of It All “Life on the Ropes”

CDsickofitall west

Sick Of It All
“Life on the Ropes”
(Fat Wreck Chords)

Some things never change, and in the case of Sick of it All, that is a beautiful thing. Throughout the many years they have been a staple of the hardcore punk scene (nearly two decades), they have consistently delivered a politically-minded, socially conscious repertoire that batters both body and bind with a torrent of high-energy, menacing guitar riffs. Life on the Ropes breathes a new vitality into their relentless campaign and demands respect for this band that holds so steadfast to their beliefs. The song that speaks the most truth is “Paper Tiger (Fakin’ the Punk),” which finally does us all a favor and calls out the Hot Topic/Mall punk for what they truly are: You’ve got the look/You’ve got the Style/Left the substance. The same New York hardcore fury and fire is still there replete with bruising pit anthems that generously hammer your skull. The album also features guest vocals from John Joseph of the Cro-Mags. If you’ve been a follower of Sick of it All’s care!
er, this album won’t disappoint.

Miss Mia