Review: Naked Aggression

Naked Aggression
““The Gut Wringing Machine””
(Rodent Popsicle)

Taken from a short story by Charles Bukowski, one of America’s most controversial modern writers, Naked Aggression brings to light “The Gut Wringing Machine” and places it in a more than suitable category. As stated in the liner notes, “It’s about getting chewed up; getting your guts wrenched from your body until what was once a spirited vibrant human being, is an obsequious ass-kissing automation”. The meaning behind the title alone justly describes the entire CD. As a re-issue of their last release (1998), Naked Aggression delivers a gripping 37 minutes of homegrown punk rock ‘n’ roll. Being one of the most influential bands in the Los Angeles punk scene, the re-release of a long-time favorite shows truth of a legacy that will live on indefinitely. In memory of Phillip Emil Suchomel (guitarist), 1969 –1998.