Category Interviews

Interview: Christiansen

(this interview originally appeared in issue #15 of Modern Fix Magazine in 2002). – interview by bushman Is life in Louisville that damn dramatic? It seems to consistently deliver bands that push this deep important sincerity to their music. The…

Interview: Toys That Kill

(This interview originally appeared as the cover feature of Modern Fix issue #15 roughly 2003ish) – interview by pr! It’s been a bad year; it’s been a bad night. Todd and Sean are back, bringing FYP’s young punk to a…

Interview: Bolt Thrower

BOLT THROWER – interview by Rinaldo home The relentless rumble of double-bass, the snarl of distorted guitar, this could only be one thing: Death Metal, or possibly something out of hell. A stalwart of the scene has been Bolt Thrower,…

Interview: The Crown

THE CROWN interview by rinaldo The Swedish death metal outfit The Crown have just finished work on their new album, “Crowned In Terror,” which is set to be released in April, and followed by a major US and European tour.…

Interview: Thrice

THRICE interview by brian greenaway I think it’s safe to say there are too many subdivisions of music these days. Just when you think you’ve got the differences between punk, hardcore, and emo all nailed down, someone will start classifying…

Interview: KMFDM

(this interview originally appeared in issue #19 of Modern Fix Magazine) interview by sean   If you were at the Grand Palais in Paris, France on February 29, 1984 you would have experienced a piece of underground music history in…

Interview: Himsa

HIMSA interview by mike bushman Rarely would I let someone else do my job of describing the vibe of a band. But their website captures the sentiment of the bands latest EP ‘Death In Infinite’ better than any words I…

Interview: Dew Scented

by bushman It’s got to be fast. And fucking loud. Metal demands it. And thrash metal commands it. A sub-genre falling on the lighter side of death metal and willing to have much more fun than black metal and basically…

Interview: Pedro The Lion

PEDRO THE LION interview by tom maxwell Looking for a quintessential rocker sure to challenge your moral and ethical ideas about life? Try out the works of David Bazan, known to most people as simply Pedro The Lion. His songwriting…

Interview: The Code

photo thecode

THE CODE interview by pr! PR: What does ‘The Code’ mean? Marc: Actually, it’s kind of a funny story. I came with the name about 2-3 years ago, when John, our guitar player used to work at McDonalds, which I…