Review: The Mother Hips

The Mother Hips
““Green Hills of Earth””
(Future Farmer Recordings)

Emotive, neo-hippie nostalgia that will capture you in its vintage trenches.  A modern-day fix for the Creedence Clearwater Revival fan and Deadheads alike, Green Hills of the Earth is geared more toward the seasoned music enthusiast than the Blink 182 generation.  This fifth effort for The Mother Hips is a dreamily textured alt-country, rock and folk union, rich with gentle instrumentation and engaging harmonies.  Lilting piano chords during willowy romantic overtures “Protein Sky” and “Sarah Bellum” brilliantly accompany Tim Bluhm’’s charming croon.  And right as you’ve submitted to its silvery lullabies, “Rich Little Girl” slaps you silly with its funktified, multi-layered retro pop.  As the album concludes it takes on a Sergeant Pepper and the Lonely Hearts Club tone with the out of character track, “Seaward Son”.  Best put, Green Hills of the Earth is clearly not for everyone, but if you take a chance and surrender, it is simply divine.