Review: Turbo Negro

Turbo Negro
“Apocalypse Dudes”

How in the fuck did these Swedes suck the fire out of hell and learn to channel it through their guitars?  That’s the question everyone really wants the answer to. The fact that Turbo Negro can play the essence of rock n’ roll doesn’t suprise me, or thousands of others.   Since their first album “Ass Cobra” was released, Turbo Negro have started a rock legacy.  “Apocalypse Dudes” is a record that has been out for quite some time and did not get widespread distribution in the US.  But thanks to (Epitaph), they are re-releasing the first two Turbo Negro albums as well as a new record in April.  That’s right, I said a new album.

For all you virgin ears out there, this is your chance.  If you consider yourself a rock fan, (and when I say rock I mean it in the rawest, toughest, ass kicking sense possible) then prepare to be blown away. Every riff explodes, there are solo’s that fluster the most anal guitar nerd, drums that pound, and raunchy vocals that reinforce the annihilation that is Turbo Negro.  “Ass Cobra, and “Appocalypse Dudes” are rock phenomenons of our day and age, and will undoubtably change your perspective on modern rock.