Review: Ride

““The Best Of””
(The First Time Records)

No really, it is the first time for me.  I am sad that these guys have not been integrated into my collection yet.  So many of my older friends have told me that I would really like this band, but somehow my money has always been in other places.  Even Billy “do it my fucking way or die” Corrigan has put in some kind words about how Ride has affected his mind about music.  Now that I have become acquainted with this band I would say it is the wall of grunge, or even before that,  fuzz guitars that really set this band apart from their respective counterparts.  I can really get into “Drive blind” and “OX4”, but given that this is a greatest hits album you could rightfully say any of these tracks are superior to the rest.  Get into the roots of your collection and support some fogies.