Review: Low Skies

Low Skies
“The Bed”
(Flame Shovel)

Glenn Danzig probably wouldn’t like Low Skies, but the singer definitely sounds a little like Danzig in his later years. Low Skies is supposed be very “atmospheric” and “post-apocalyptic” sounding. The soundtrack for survivors of the apocalypse. They can call themselves what they want, but I’ll just call them eerie and a little unnerving. This is the music I would put on if I was trying to get pumped up to be depressed, maybe jump off a building.

The sound isn’t hard or fast, it is just drawling and (as the name states) low. Some country influence comes out of Low Skies and makes for the best tempos on the album. “Palmyra’s” organ adds a new level of the sublime, but stands strong on its own. The best part of the album is the artwork. At first glance I couldn’t tell what was on the cover. That is the way a few of the pictures are and Low Skies probably intended it that way. When you realize what you are looking at, you feel (again) unnerved.

The cover picture is a blurry photo of someone on the floor. The inside art shows different angles of someone on the floor with a black gun next to them. A little ode to suicide? Or maybe the answer to escape before the apocalypse? Either way, the art is great and it strengthens the mood Low Skies is creating. And now that I am sufficiently pumped to be depressed I’m going to go eat and then lay on my floor all day. Maybe cry a little.