Review: Brightblack


Mellow.   I almost left that as the only word for this review, but I feel like that would have been kind of a cop out for Brightblack.  Believe me, I’ll save that for another unwitting band.  The music is pretty good but if I saw these guys live I don’t think that I would be able to handle it.  I like my live shows energetic.  The music is very folky, with hints of country, and blues.  The primary sounds are the acoustic guitars, and vocals.  At times some of the tunes seem to melt together due to the consistent vibe of the music.  I can’t say that I dislike it because there isn’t that much to not like.  They’re not obnoxious, they’re not overly poppy, and they’re not glam, maybe just a little too mellow to always be listening to.  But when your in the mood to just chill, I mean really, really chill, melt into your couch style, check out Brightblack.   Just don’t listen to this after an emotional night, it won’t make your situation any easier.